Passerelle Remote Support

U bent hier:

Video communication, Augmented Reality and so much more.
Support your technicians with Passerelle Remote Support anywhere in the world as if you are really there.


Passerelle is a Remote assistance application for smartphones/tablets/smartglasses as well as browser based remote support on smartphones.





  • PC browser
  • Paserelle License

Supported Hardware

End User

  • Passerelle account*

*optional as it is also possible to send end users an invite through email or SMS. 


Prices are decided upon contact with SupportSquare.
Free trial is available for 30 days to try out.

Special Features

Passerelle offers the ability to record and save remote support calls as well as call history data which can be easily managed.

It also supports remote assistance through a smartphone browser. So end users don’t necessarily need the app installed on their phone. 

The application allows end user screen sharing of a smartphone. (Which allows experts to guide the end user through a complicated process on their phone screen)

If the end user calls for a certain expert the software will automatically forward the call to another expert should the first person not be available to ensure the end user gets helped.

Development process

As a site admin it is possible to manage roles within your organisation and bundle people into specified target groups for calls, and sort them under different company sites or categories. The admin can also grant certain roles to users and can personalize the layout of the Passerelle environment. 

Within the browser application it is also possible to see detailed call history and recorded calls, as well as support statistics.

The expert can initiate a support call by calling someone in their contact list or sending an invite through email or SMS.

He or she can place AR annotations, send files, share their screen and use their mouse pointer to point out features in end users’ scene. 

End User Experience

When a call invite is received through SMS or Email you can either choose between the app (when installed) or use Passerelle straight from their smartphone’s web browser. The web browser version allows user to quickly participate in a call without the need to install another application. 

With the application installed it is also possible to initiate a call to an expert, if that expert is not available the call will be forwarded to the next person in line for the needed expertise. 

Might the end user require assistance on their phone screen, they can share their screen to an expert who can make live annotations on screen.


A very useful and straightforward application. It offers some unique tools such as browser based support, phone screen sharing and support management.
