ScopeAR Worklink
Make anyone an instant expert. Work instructions and remote assistance on a single AR knowledge platform.
Scope AR is a software company that both provides remote assist and work instructions. In this page only the remote assist is discussed.
- Worklink license
- Installation of the worklink software
Supported Hardware
End User
- Scope AR application (free)
Prices are decided upon contact with the ScopeAR company.
Special Features
The remote assist functionality of worklink allows a remote technician to see through the camera of the user.
- Both user and expert can draw lines, arrows,textboxes and flashing dots that are anchored in space.
- Different screenshots can be made. One can then draw on these screenshots to show spacially anchored content.
- Sessions can be recorded and screenshots can be emailed.
Development Process
There is no training as the process is really simple. Once the application is opened you should accept the incoming call. As soon as you accepted the call you can start drawing, annotating…
End User Experience
As user you have to open the application and call the remote expert. As soon as the remote expert has accepted you can see the annotations of the remote expert and annotate yourself as well.
The worklink remote assist platform is one of the better platforms we have seen. Particularly the ability to save different screenshots and to annotate on these different screenshots is a useful feature. The quality of the spacial anchoring is limited to the quality of the hardware of the device that is used.